Where Intuition, Authenticity, & Excellence Converge


Excellence in coaching depends on presence and attunement. 

Your body, heart, and spirit are some of your most powerful tools as a coach - they connect you to your own intuition, to your client’s brilliance, and to the guidance of Spirit. 

But much of our training, especially if we are on the quest for certifications and credentials, has the unintended consequence of locking us in our head and disconnecting us from our intuition.

Coaching becomes about trying to get it right, to please an evaluator, and to prove we are good enough.


Does This Sound Like You?


Despite getting in your head at times, others often compliment you on your intuition and instincts as a coach. You know that magic happens when you're able to tap into that aspect of your coaching; you just want to do it more reliably and frequently.


...but worried spiritual modalities aren’t compatible with ICF coaching. Or, maybe you're comfortable in your "feminine" in other areas of your life but notice that your coaching and client work still feels effortful at times. 


You're still building your confidence in yourself and your coaching, and often get the feedback that you "need to trust yourself." Maybe you've thought about getting another training, certification, or the perfect mentor, but you have a suspicion that it's really about trusting your gifts more deeply.

We've experienced this firsthand, and in our work supporting our clients in working towards certification and expanding as coaches.

That's why we created...

Whole Human Coaching

Join us for an experiential journey into your own body and brilliance - an intuitive mashup of mentor-coaching, training, and mastermind. We will rely heavily on embodiment practices, healing-modalities, and ontology to support your growth and development - on your terms.


“I wasn’t able to get my PCC until I got that the whole of my Being is needed in my coaching. This included the sensations in my body, the intuitive hits I was getting, and the ability to stay completely present as I was moving through the call. This was a spiritual breakthrough of sinking into the moment and trusting my embodiment.”

-Lauren Borden, PCC, PhD

Here's How it Works

Group Structure 

In this 6-Month Program You Get...

Three 90-Minute Live Calls per month, including deep dives on powerful concepts designed to elicit spiritual breakthroughs, live practice to hone your skills, and coaching mastermind call where you get live support on an area of your choice 

Reading and resource lists to deepen your learning 

Practice areas to ground your breakthroughs between sessions

Access to the community of Whole Human Coaching coaches on the same journey

A custom portal of resources and class recordings to re-visit sessions or if you miss a session

Discounted rates on an optional recorded feedback sessions with a PCC trainer on your coaching according to ICF standards

Surprise BONUS sessions with special guests and experts to amplify our work together and PLAY in your coaching (announced in the course, but including Human Design, embodiment, and more!)



Here's what we'll cover:

Clear & Reset

Discern where you’re out of alignment and release old patterns standing in the way of your most powerful coaching.

The Art of Resonance 

Connect to your natural gifts for connection and learn how to truly be with your client.

Embodiment & Inner Safety

Tap into the wisdom of your body, and create a safe home base for your life and your work. 

Intuitive Awakening

Access your intuition and use it to facilitate deep, long lasting transformation for your clients.

Master "Self"

Illuminate previously left behind parts of YOU and reintegrate them with intention, mindfulness, and compassion. Master the art of shadow work to take your coaching to the next level.

Harness Spirit

Partner with the Divine to hold a spiritual container for your clients, sinking into deeper flow, magic, and transformation. 

This is for you if:

  • You are committed to honing your craft and creating excellence in your coaching

  • You want to connect to your intuition and wisdom in your work with clients

  • You crave more authenticity, peace and flow in your business and work

  • You value your training, but feel self-conscious or limited by trying to get it right

  • You believe coaching is a spiritual conversation

  • You've invested in training before, but often are left feeling like something is missing or like they don't totally fit your style of learning

This is not for you if:

  • You're looking for training  on how to coach. We focus on the spiritual breakthroughs that will amplify your coaching, not teaching you how to do it. 
  • You're totally new to coaching or have never had any coach training.  Our work is best suited for those who have a foundation of coaching practice under their belt so that we can deepen, expand, and amplify what's there already.
  • You want a dedicated structure for getting a higher level credential. Although that may be a consequence of our work, we won't be diving into the core competencies or providing structured training.



*Payment Plans Available Upon Request

  • 18 Ninety-Minute Live Calls ($6000 value)
  • Access to the Whole Human Coaching community ($800 value)
  • 6 reading & resource lists ($50 value)
  • Weekly workbook & coaching practice areas ($200 value)
  • Discounts on 1:1 coaching calls with facilitators ($500/session Value)
  • Bonus workshops with special guests (announced at kickoff) on Human Design, embodiment, mindfulness, and more! ($700 value)



ENROLL NOW (Pay in Full)
ENROLL NOW (Payment Plan)


What Our Clients Are Saying

Katherine is pure heart and soul, and she mentors no differently! She always knows where to look and what to ask to get to the heart of how I can best support my clients when I'm stuck or feeling frustrated. With her support, I attained my PCC effortlessly in less than 2 years. As someone who always wants to know how and do it right, she guided me toward coaching from the core of my Being. I deepened my presence and attunement with my clients and opened the door to trust myself and Spirit within the space I held. Not only do my clients benefit but I am able to drop into flow and truly enjoy coaching. "

- Jason, PCC Coach

Through my work with Lauren, I've gotten in touch with my power, but also become more gentle with my thoughts and emotions. I have become more in tune with my strengths but also more accepting and vulnerable. It has been transformative. Most importantly, I have a clearer understanding of my identity and how I want to use my strengths and passions to help others. I've found more confidence and grace and feel as though I am equipped to take on any challenge I may face.

- Allison, Therapist, LPCC


Katherine Folk Sullivan, PCC

Katherine supports heart-centered leaders to step into their power. She has a uniquely compassionate coaching style, welcoming the full range of humanity and life into her work with clients. From this foundation of trust, Katherine’s clients access extraordinary results from ease, flow, and self-love.

For many years, Katherine was a leader and trainer with Accomplishment Coaching©, and is passionately invested in the development of the coaching profession. She believes that learning the techniques and skills of coaching are akin to learning scales on the piano – mastering techniques can give you access to full self-expression, connection and transcendence. She is trained in ontology, and incorporates spiritual and trauma-informed modalities into her work with clients. With a deep personal commitment to belonging and inclusion, Katherine believes that coaching is an essential tool for creating a world that works for all of us.

Katherine lives in Los Angeles with her playful husband and handsome dog. She loves to hike, to lift heavy weights, to eat perfect tomatoes over the kitchen sink, and sing at the top of her lungs while driving on the freeway.

Lauren Borden, PCC, PhD

Lauren specializes in the emotional and spiritual aspects of leadership and coaching. As a coach, her signature style blends deep spiritual and healing aspects of coaching with corporate and application-based approaches. The bridge between the spiritual and the practical are a theme throughout her work– as a PhD in Industrial-Organizational psychology, she has deep subject-matter expertise in research-based principles to support leaders and teams in reaching the next level; and as a meditation and intuition teacher, she supports her clients in doing the deep work to create lasting transformation, empowerment, and impact.

In addition to her private practice, she specializes in mindfulness, intuitive teaching, executive assessment, and creating inclusive and psychologically safe cultures through feedback, emotional awareness, and relationships. She has had the privilege of coaching and training professionals within Fortune 10 companies across technology, retail, medical, and finance industries to help them use organizational psychology to develop strategy and strengthen their workforce. She has spent years training leaders to use coaching in their leadership, and training up-and-coming coaches attaining certification and empowering their unique gifts.


Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

How Can We Support You?

Reach out and we'd be happy to support you in making an aligned decision for you! 

Email us at [email protected]!